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The Right Video Content for Every Stage of Your Sales Funnel

Content Marketing

In today’s digital landscape, video is one of the most effective ways to grab a prospect’s attention, build trust, and increase overall engagement.  

You can use video content to optimize your sales funnel and encourage consumers to move down the funnel. By creating valuable content tailored to your audience, you can attract, engage, and convert prospects into customers.

A great example of this is a mind-blowing product video. When a piece of content is so good, users will immediately want to go to your website to learn more and place an order.  

Trust this leading Miami SEO company when we say that a single video can turn consumers into loyal paying customers!

Want to know how to strategically use video to entice new leads and nurture them down the sales funnel? In this article, we will share with you some ideas on what kind of videos work best at each stage of the sales funnel.  

What is a Sales Funnel?

Sales funnel concept.

A sales funnel is a marketing tool used to visualize your target customers’ journey from awareness to conversion.  

It enables you to lead consumers along the right path during their purchase journey – from becoming aware of your brand, and checking out your offerings, to finally buying and then turning into a loyal customer.  

4 Stages of a Sales Funnel

A typical sales funnel has four stages:

  • Awareness Stage: In this stage, potential customers have just learned about who you are.  
  • Consideration Stage: This is the stage where potential customers are exploring your products and weighing alternatives to see what's the best choice for them.  
  • Decision Stage: You have the customer hooked at this point and they’re ready to buy.  
  • Action Stage: This is the stage where a prospect has been converted and your job is to make sure they remain loyal and try to get them to buy again.  

What Videos to Use at Each Stage of the Sales Funnel

Adopt a strategic approach when building video content for your sales funnel. You need to be smart about why and when to deliver specific video content in front of your intended audience.  

Conduct extensive target audience analysis and create detailed buyer personas to help you create the most valuable video content that your potential customers want to see.  

The sales funnel will also serve as a guide to help you easily identify the best video content for different leads at different stages.  

1. Awareness Stage

Miami SEO company creating video content for brand awareness.

In this stage, you want to help your customers identify their problems, their pain points, and what they’re looking for. Use this information to create video content that speaks directly to those needs.

The goal is to put your videos in front of your intended audience and focus on catching their attention. Your videos must be educational, entertaining, and SEO-optimized.  

You can tap into the best Miami SEO company to help you optimize your videos for the best visibility.  

It’s also important to pay attention to the aesthetic side of things. Modern consumers judge a business by its online presence. In the minds of people, the content you put out reflects your brand’s credibility and the quality of your products and services.  

Brand awareness videos to use in this stage are:

a. Educational Videos and How-to Videos

Educational videos are a great way to position your business as an authority in your niche and a source of free, useful content.  

Your educational videos should include important information that your current customers or potential customers need to know. It should also aim to improve your brand’s recognition.  

As your go-to Miami SEO company, we suggest that you avoid focusing so much on promoting your business and its offerings in your educational videos.  

Instead, show how you can solve your customers’ problems and what’s unique about it. The goal is to satisfy the consumers’ needs without pushing products on them.  

The reason why educational videos work is that when you provide your audience with helpful content, they're more likely to listen to you. It also builds trust and compels them to give back either by buying from you or engaging with your post.  

If you own a bakery, make videos on how to make certain pastries. It’s that simple. You can do it too!

b. Branded Videos

Branded videos put a face to your brand. They give you the opportunity to show who you are, what you do, and what you stand for as a company.  

This allows your audience to see the genuine nature of your business and resonate with your offerings.

Remember, people like buying from people they trust. Branded videos help humanize your brand.

c. Company Stories

Stories play a crucial part in people’s daily communication, but stories have value beyond entertainment.  

Conveying them is a powerful business skill you can use to improve customer loyalty, create a strong marketing strategy, increase profit, and many more.  

Storytelling communicates purpose, and a business with purpose is more likely to get noticed and win over customers. So, it's not enough to just showcase your products and services in your video content, there needs to be a story specifically on how they can solve their problems.  

Videos that tell a story will always capture people’s attention. So, consider publishing videos that narrate how you started your company and what was the reason behind it.  

d. Live Selling Videos

Many consumers discover new brands and businesses on TikTok by doing live selling. But what’s amazing about live selling is that it does more than just boosting your brand awareness; it also increases your sales and engagement.

2. Consideration Stage

In this stage, prospects are looking for options and information about possible solutions to their problems. They're also comparing your products against your competitors.  

What you need to do is to create a video packed with information to help your target customers conclude that your product and service are a viable solution to their problem.

You want to show that you’re worth the investment by showcasing your products’ uses and benefits. Don’t forget to optimize your videos for SEO to make sure your target audience sees them.  

If you’re not knowledgeable about SEO, don’t hesitate to hire the best Miami SEO company.  

a. Product or Service Videos

Now is the time to beef up your products and services. Highlight their awesome features, details, and benefits. Invest in a good product video that helps potential customers envision themselves using your products or services.  

b. Explainer Animated Videos

Explainer videos are short videos that help convey complex ideas in simple but engaging ways.  

They're great for concisely introducing a subject or concept without sacrificing quality. You can use it to give a quick overview of your company, product, or service.  

It's also an effective way of putting your brand in front of people who don't know about it.  

c. About Us Videos

Your "about us" videos help build credibility, so although not a lot of people watch them, it's still important to have one. You just never know when a potential customer decides to check it out.  

3. Decision Stage

Concept of customer buying online.

This is the stage where consumers already know what problems they’re facing and the possible solutions and options they have. It’s also sometimes called the purchase stage because it’s where qualified leads can be converted into customers.  

Your job is to make videos that clear up any last-minute doubts about your offerings, as well as solidify your customer’s trust in you. To do that, make the following videos:

a. FAQ Videos

What better way to eliminate any doubt a prospect has about your products and services than by addressing all their questions? FAQs are also great for helping users understand what they should be looking for in their purchases.  

b. Influencer Videos

Influencers are called influencers for a reason – they have a huge influence over their followers’ purchase decisions. By tapping into their authority, you can quickly convert potential customers.  

One of the most effective ways you can incorporate influencer marketing into your video content is through product reviews and unboxing. People love it and it’s what they usually watch before deciding to buy.  

c. Demo Videos

A product demo video exhibits how your products work by presenting them in action. Demo videos are a compelling way to communicate your product’s significance to prospective customers.  

In a way, these types of videos make life easier for your customers. For example, if you’re a furniture manufacturer, making videos about how to assemble specific furniture pieces will eliminate the hassle your customers go through when trying to figure out how to assemble a piece from reading an instruction manual.  

d. Customer Testimonials and Case Study Videos

Case studies and customer testimonial videos provide an honest opinion about a product or service. It allows potential customers to see and hear what real people have to say about the products or services they want to buy.

What makes these types of videos extremely effective is that they're hearing recommendations from a fellow customer like them. 92% of consumers nowadays trust their peers more than branded content.  

The most important thing about customer testimonial videos is their authenticity, keep it real.  

4. Action Stage

This is the stage where your customers have finally made a purchase. But your job doesn’t end with that! You need to make sure that they’re satisfied with their purchase by providing the best post-purchase experience possible and keeping them loyal to your brand.  

There are a bunch of different videos you can publish to help you achieve this:

a. Personalized Videos

Personalized videos help develop and strengthen your relationship with new customers and nurture them to become repeat buyers.  

Send your new customers personalized videos, like marketing invites, thank you videos, onboarding content, and post-purchase content via email or other communication platforms.  

Personalized videos will make your customers feel special, appreciated, and they appreciate the extra effort.  

b. Customer Retention Videos

Nurture your relationship with your new customers by sending them videos that make them feel like they’re a part of your community. Send them video content about holiday greetings, announcements on sales, and outreach programs.  

This Miami SEO company suggests that aside from emails, place your customer retention videos on platforms like YouTube and Facebook to ensure maximum reach.  

c. Video Ads

Video ads are a great way to promote a sale, highlight a value proposition, or provide detail about your products and services.  

By retargeting your existing customers, you can urge them to buy again and more!  

You can run video ads on social media and search engine results pages.  

Looking for The Best Miami SEO Company?

Now that you know what type of videos you should be using to move prospects down your sales funnel, make sure you use them to your advantage!

Digital Resource is the best Miami SEO company that can help put your video content in front of your target audience and generate conversions. We can put you ahead of your competitors and help you generate the sales you need to grow your business.  

Want to know how we can make it possible for your business? Contact us today for a free consultation!

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