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Types of Content for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Content Marketing

Ever wonder what’s running through the minds of your potential customers as they hover over the “buy” button? As a digital marketing agency in New York that has worked with businesses of different industries, we can definitely say it’s not just you. Many others have been having the same question in mind.

It’s like being a detective, where every clue reveals a little more about what drives them to take action. Whether you're running a tech company, managing a boutique, or leading a service-oriented business, decoding this journey can amp up your sales game.

Imagine you’re on a road trip with your customers. You wouldn’t just throw them the keys without a map, would you? See each piece of content you craft as a pit stop along the way – offering snacks, directions, and a little encouragement to keep going. By the time they’re ready to commit, they’re not just familiar with the route; they’re excited about the destination.  

So, shall we map out this journey together? Let’s go ahead!

Stage 1: Awareness

woman in deep thoughts

In this initial stage, your potential customers are just beginning to recognize that they have a need. They're not ready to buy yet; they're at the stage where they're gathering information.  

The content here is about sparking interest and establishing your brand as a helpful, knowledgeable resource. This is your chance to grab their attention and get on their radar.

Blog Posts

Think of blog posts as the friendly neighbor who's always ready to lend a tool or offer advice. These posts should be informative and engaging, focusing on the "what" and "why" rather than the "buy."  

For example, if you're a tech company, a blog post could be about "The Top 10 Trends in Technology for 2024." It's informative, current, and subtly integrates the problems your products solve without making a hard sales pitch.


If blog posts are your friendly neighbor, infographics are the cool friend who makes everything seem easy. They break down complex data or concepts into visual formats that are easy to understand and share. This could be anything from a flowchart explaining different types of coffee brews to a comparative infographic on energy-efficient appliances.

Social Media Posts

Social media is where you get to be quick and clever. The experts at our digital marketing agency in New York agree that posts here should be digestible bits of information that can intrigue and inform at the same time.  

While a social media post doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting, it should be engaging enough to stop someone in their scroll. Fun facts, quick tips, and thought-provoking questions that lead back to your more detailed blog posts or infographics are perfect for this stage.

Stage 2: Consideration

At this point, your prospects know what their problem is and are now looking at all the possible ways to solve it. They're comparing, contrasting, and carefully considering which option best suits them. This is where you get to shine by showing them why your solution could be their best choice.

Comparison Guides

These are incredibly helpful for someone trying to make an informed decision. Comparison guides clearly and objectively lay out the pros and cons of different options.

Let’s say you’re selling fitness trackers. A guide comparing your models with others could highlight why yours might be the best bang for their buck – think better battery life, more accurate tracking, or a killer warranty.


Webinars are your chance to get face-to-face with your audience, even if it’s through a screen. They're interactive and informal, and you can really get into the weeds of what matters to your potential customers.  

Take the case of a home improvement expert; a live session on “The Secrets to a Successful Kitchen Remodel” can provide valuable insights while subtly showing off their expertise and why their services top the list.

Case Studies

Nothing speaks louder than success, and case studies are here to illustrate that success. Case studies are real-life examples of how your product or service has helped others. They tell a story, and everyone loves a good success story.

If you’re a digital marketing agency in New York, for instance, sharing a case study about how you tripled a client's traffic with clever SEO strategies shows prospective clients what you’re capable of pulling off. This gives them all the more reason to consider hiring you.  

Stage 3: Decision

By now, your potential customers aren't just browsing; they're seriously considering taking action. They know what they want but need that final nudge to confirm they're making the right choice. Your content here is like the closer to a deal, sealing the commitment with confidence and trust.

Testimonials and Reviews

employees holding individual gold star ratings

There's nothing quite like hearing straight from the horse's mouth to make someone feel good about their decision. Testimonials and reviews are the old faithful of decision-stage content. They’re like hearing a bunch of friends vouch for how awesome something is.  

Whether it's praise for your lightning-fast customer service or rave reviews about how your product is a game-changer, this social proof can tip the scales in your favor.

Product Demos

Think of product demos as the test drive before you buy the car. It’s one thing to hear how great something is; it's another to see it in action. A demo can be a video, a live walkthrough, or even an interactive tool that lets customers experience the benefits firsthand.  

Let’s pretend you sell photo editing software; a video demo showing how to effortlessly remove backgrounds might just clinch the deal. Or if you manufacture high-end blenders, one way to convert prospects into buyers is by posting a video of you whipping up everything from smoothies to soups.

Detailed Product Guides

When someone’s this close to buying, they might want to dive deep into the details, and this is where detailed product guides come into play.

These guides are like the ultimate FAQ session, covering everything from A to Z and leaving no stone unturned. They’re especially crucial for products with lots of features or technical specs, helping your customers understand exactly what they’re getting and how it fits into their life.

Stage 4: Loyalty Stage

Congratulations, they’ve bought in! But your relationship with your customer doesn't end at the purchase. Now’s your chance to turn that initial commitment into long-term loyalty.  

This stage is pretty much like keeping the spark alive in a good friendship. You don't just forget about your friends once you know them; you keep in touch, check in, and occasionally surprise them with something special.

Email Newsletters

There’s no better way to keep your customers posted than by sending email newsletters. They inform customers about what’s new, offer helpful tips, and sometimes give a sneak peek into upcoming products or events. It’s your way of saying, “Hey, just checking in. Here are some cool stuff you might like!”  

Exclusive Offers

Who doesn’t love feeling special? Exclusive offers for returning customers are like a “thank you” note—they show you appreciate their loyalty and keep them coming back. Whether it’s a discount, early access to new products, or a special loyalty program, these gestures make customers feel valued and deepen their commitment to your brand.

Customer Success Stories

There’s a story behind every purchase, and sharing these can be extremely powerful. It’s like telling tales around a campfire, where each story brings people closer together. When customers see that others have not only bought your products but are thriving because of them, it reinforces their decision to choose you and encourages them to share their own experiences.

Ready to Craft Content That Converts?

So, we’ve journeyed through the buyer’s lifecycle, from that first “hello” in the Awareness to keeping the spark alive in the Loyalty stage. Each part of this journey is an opportunity to connect, impress, and keep those customers loyal.

If you’re looking to give your content marketing game a boost, don’t go it alone. Digital Resource, your go-to digital marketing agency in New York, is ready to help you produce compelling content that resonates at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a free consultation now!

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