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Your Guide to Creating the Perfect Email Newsletter 

Content Marketing

As with email marketing, creating an email newsletter can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time.

From coming up with compelling calls-to-action and brainstorming subject lines that will hook your subscribers to proofreading the copy and ensuring there are no spam triggers, you’ll find yourself taking on multiple tasks at once.

Plus, as soon as you hit the “send” button, there’s no turning back. You can’t unsend what you want to unsend. Your email is out there, just waiting patiently for your subscribers to open it. Keeping your fingers crossed that a miracle will stop it from entering their inbox (or that they ignore it) is the only thing you can do now.

Many marketers have actually been that, and others continue to do so. Perhaps you might be one of them too.  

Fortunately, you’ve found a prominent Florida internet marketing company that can help you create an email newsletter that will no doubt grab the attention of your target audience, engage them, and keep them eager to receive your following newsletter. Plus, we’ll make sure the tips we’re providing will ultimately convert them into loyal customers.

Ready to learn how to create a killer email newsletter that will take your business to the next level? Let’s go!

1. Identify Your Goal

what's your goal pinned note

First things first, figure out why you’re making your newsletter. Obviously, you can’t come up with one if you don’t have an actual plan in mind.

Are you writing a newsletter in hopes of getting more leads? Maybe drive traffic to your website? Or, are you aiming to get back in touch with your previous customers who you’ve never heard from again?

Whatever it is, your goal should be closely tied to your overall business goals. You shouldn’t just be looking at the number of people opening your email. Sure, your open rate can indicate your newsletter’s performance. But, it’s also crucial to remember that you have a long-term goal to achieve here.

2. Collect Your Content

Once you’ve decided on a goal, your next move is to find all the content for it. There are two ways to hunt for content: Active and passive.

If you’re searching for content that will solve a specific goal, that’s active searching. On the other hand, if you’re just browsing randomly online and you happen to come across something that looks helpful to your newsletter goal, that’s passive searching in play.

Using both tactics works best for us. The trick is to bookmark links along the way. Newsletters are meant to be sent every month, which makes bookmarking an excellent time-saver.

If you were to ask us, we’d usually get inspiration from our blogs, lead generation content, training documents, and social media accounts. You might also want to subscribe to your competitors to get different ideas.

3. Choose a Template

Before getting into the writing aspect, you should already have a picture of how you want your newsletter to appear. You don’t want to have a hard time squeezing your copy into a tight space, do you?

An ideal template for a newsletter isn’t something too flashy nor too bland, as it can distract or bore them, respectively. Go for a design that’s easy to scan and read, and it should also have clickable elements.

Also, with 85% of people now using smartphones to access email, it makes perfect sense to pick a mobile-friendly template.

If you’re not familiar with designing emails, a suggestion we can give as a Florida internet marketing company with extensive knowledge in email marketing is by looking into pre-made templates. You can never go wrong with them!

4. Keep Your Content 90% Educational and 10% Promotional

We hate to break it to you, but your subscribers wouldn’t always want to hear about your products or services. Especially if you’re regularly promoting your offerings to them through your newsletter, they’ll get tired of it eventually.

Don’t be that brand that consumers find pushy and annoying. You definitely don’t want to reach the point where they’ll no longer open your emails now, do you?

Instead of sprinkling your newsletter with sales talk, focus on educating your readers. 90% of your content should consist of relevant, timely information. The remaining 10% is where you sneak in all the promotional stuff.

For example, if you’re selling furniture, you can talk about the how-tos of designing a minimalist living room or the dos and don’ts of furniture shopping. That way, your subscribers will be more interested in opening your newsletter every time they see a new one in their inbox.

5. Personalize Your Newsletter

man working on newsletter on laptop

If you were to choose between an email that contains your name and a friendly greeting on the subject line versus one that simply says, “to our valued customer,” which would you open first?

Of course, you’ll click on the former just because it feels more personal and warmer. It’s these emails that really stand out in an inbox full of marketing messages. In fact, personalization in email can lead to a 14% increase in click-through rates (CTR) and boost conversion rates by six times.

No wonder 67% of marketers plan to improve personalization to grow their sales and retain customers.

So, how can you personalize your email messages? Here are five proven ways:

  • Segment your email lists into smaller groups so you can start sending carefully targeted and personalized newsletters. You can segment them based on location, interest in particular products, or how much they usually spend on your products.
  • Address them by their names to make them feel valued.
  • Create standouts either by wishing them customer anniversary greetings, surprising them with birthday discounts, or giving special rewards for your top customers.
  • Suggest relevant products or services to keep their engagement levels high. Monitor their buying history to provide recommendations based on their past purchases.

6. Get Creative with Your Subject Lines

Just because your prospective and existing customers have subscribed to your newsletter doesn’t mean that each of them will take time to read it, let alone open it.

That’s why you need to formulate an email subject line that will help you get your message in front of more eyes. You need to write a subject line that resonates best with your audience. After all, the subject line serves as the very first impression of the email.

An effective subject line conveys a sense of urgency, sparks curiosity, and of course, is personalized. Use 50 characters or fewer, and don’t hesitate to add emojis whenever necessary.

These attention-catching subject lines should be able to inspire you:

  • Welcome Gift for You! Find Out Inside……
  • Take $25 off your order of $30 or more!!!
  • WARNING: This Email Might Be Too Hot You’ll Burn
  • Final Call: EXTRA 30% OFF
  • Are you in the mood for something new?
  • Here, but not for long.
  • Here’s that discount you’ve asked for
  • (Name of Recipient), read this to find out why we’re the best choice…

7. Include a Primary Call-to-Action (CTA)

Although newsletters exist mainly to feature multiple pieces of content with multiple CTAs, you should still consider having a primary CTA. Think of that one action you’re really keen on getting your subscribers to do - that’s going to be your number one priority.

Whether it’s to visit your website, buy your latest product, download a PDF, or just forward the email to a friend, make sure that you get the message across the simplest possible way.  The rest of your calls-to-action should just be additional options.

8. Add Alt Text to Your Images

Visual content plays an instrumental role in your marketing efforts, which is why you should incorporate them into your email newsletter.

The thing is, email can be a bit trickier than other forms of medium. So many people have opted to disable images mostly because they’re trying to avoid potentially offensive content or malicious code. Others block images since they’re affecting the loading speed.  

So, what can you do about this? How can you make it possible for your readers to identify your images if they can’t see them?

Two words: Alt text.

As the name implies, alt text is the alternative text that shows up when photos aren’t loading. Alt text is especially important if your CTA is an image. There’s no doubt that your conversion rates will go down drastically if you forget to add alt text.

9. Test Different Email Providers and Browsers

Bear in mind that all email providers don’t read email code the same way.

An email that appears perfectly fine and organized on Gmail in Chrome may look like a complete disaster when viewed in Outlook. That’s why it’s a big must to test out your emails in the most common email providers and browsers.

Need Professional Help with Email Marketing?

woman holding tablet with email marketing on screen

Who better to collaborate with than a Florida internet marketing company with years of experience creating email marketing campaigns that have helped businesses succeed in the digital world?

Digital Resource is here for you!

Allow us to help you grow your business by launching an email campaign that’s customized for you and your needs.  You’ll be in awe when you discover how many strangers will turn into customers after reading their inboxes and how many repeat businesses you will receive. We’re not lying!

Contact us today to put your business a step ahead with our email marketing services.  We can’t wait to hear from you.

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