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Why You Need Trust Features on Your Dental Landing Pages

Content Marketing

Chances are, you’re not the only dental practice in your area. So, how do you win over new patients and convince them to pick your practice over others?

One of the best ways to establish trust and increase patient volume in your practice is to add trust badges or features to your dental landing pages.  

Doing something as simple as embedding relevant badges onto your landing page, like an AAID logo or dental implants expert badge, can help you secure more patients for your practice.  

This article will cover why trust features are so important for dental landing pages, but first, it’s probably useful to explain what landing pages are!

What is a Dental Landing Page?

A dental landing page is a webpage that highlights one dental service or product in great detail. It has a single conversion goal that aims to bring web visitors closer to becoming patients.  

To achieve this, you're going to have to incentivize your customers to provide their contact information by giving them a special offer, free consultation, or a discount on a procedure they're interested in.  

But sometimes, this isn’t enough to get your web visitors to convert. So, you need to include a relevant trust badge or feature to convince them.

For example, if you run a social media ad for dental implants, your landing page should contain a trust badge showing that you're a dental implant expert. You should also consider featuring patient testimonials about how happy they are with their dental implants.

Don’t just put random badges and trust signals on your landing page. They should be relevant and help reinforce what you’re trying to get them to do.  

What is a Trust Badge or Feature?

A trust badge is a logo or symbol that you display on your dental landing page to assure web visitors that your dental practice is trustworthy.  

Trust badges or features are especially important for new or emerging clinics that the local community has never heard of before.  

When patients feel they can trust your practice and your site, they’re more likely to provide their information and make an appointment. A survey conducted by Econsultancy/Toluna revealed that 48% of the participants agree that trust badges or trust marks were one of the most critical factors they consider when choosing who to buy from online.  

Infographic about how important trust badges are for dental landing pages.

Photo from CrazyEgg.com

Top 3 Reasons Why You Need to Include Trust Badges or Features on Your Dental Landing Page

Dentist being friendly to a child patient.

1. Establish Credibility and Build Trust

Trust is the basis of a successful dentist-patient relationship. Without trust and confidence in your abilities, your patients will never feel at ease under your practice’s care.

Aside from patient testimonials, word-of-mouth marketing, and brand recognition, another way to demonstrate that your practice is reliable is by featuring trust badges on your landing pages.  

By showing people that your clinic is accredited by other notable organizations, you can attract the right patients to your practice.  

2. Boosts Your Dental Clinic’s Visibility

Aside from showcasing your dental practice’s experience and expertise, another benefit of displaying trust features or badges on your dental landing page is that you’re linking to quality sites with authority.  

According to Moz, there’s a very strong correlation between links and the authority of a website. When you link out to trusted sources, you’re allowing search engines to better understand what your content is about.  

This helps bots to rank your content in the search engine results pages.  

Search engines believe that high-quality pages link to other high-quality pages. In other words, your site’s reputation is associated with the sites you link to. Linking to other credible sites can boost your SEO and increase your visibility in the search results.  

Google likes it when you provide reliable and informative content, especially when you use outbound links that demonstrate the depth of the subject you’re writing about and point readers to other resources that will help them learn more.  

Plus, doing this helps them earn backlinks that can help boost their SEO. It’s also free advertising on their part! It’s a win-win situation and a great way to cultivate your ongoing partnership with these organizations.  

3. Address Security Concerns

Online users are very cautious when it comes to sharing their personal information because if it falls into the wrong hands, they could suffer from identity theft and credit card scams.  

Adding security badges to your dental landing pages lets users know that your page is legitimate and that any data they shared with you is being collected through secure third-party organizations.  

This means all their private information is safe, including their credit card details. This is a great way to facilitate online payments and forms, and to encourage potential patients to entrust you with their contact details and convert!

5 Types of Trust Badges/ Features Your Dental Landing Pages Need to Have

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA seal of compliance.

Image from CompliancyGroup

HIPPA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. It's a federal law that health care providers, including dentists, must implement within their practice to protect sensitive patient health information, privacy, and security from being disclosed without the patient's knowledge or consent.  

If you accept payments online or ask your patients to fill out forms on your dental landing pages, let them know you’re HIPAA verified to prove that they can entrust personal information with you.  

Aside from HIPPA, you should also get an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate is a security measure that aims to protect your patients’ data from cyber attacks and theft. It ensures that any information transmitted through your site is encrypted and secure.  

Online Reviews or Testimonials

91% of millennials trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from their friends and family. 89% of people also won’t convert until they’ve read reviews.  

Review and testimonials play a crucial part in establishing trust with your target patients and getting them to convert to your dental landing pages.  

However, the reviews and testimonials you put on your landing page should be related to the product or service you’re trying to promote. For example, if you're trying to promote same-day implants, your testimonials and reviews should feature patients who underwent the actual procedure.  

Dental implant patient testimonial on dental landing page.
Patient reviews and rating on a dental landing page.

Image from ConvertFlow

Before and After Results

Before and after photos of actual patients show the results of your treatment. They also enable potential patients to envision themselves getting the same outcome.  

Add a before and after photo gallery that's relevant to the landing page it's on. If a landing page is promoting braces, show before and after photos of patients wearing the braces and not of other dental solutions.  

Before and after picture of a dental patient who got their teeth straightened.

Photo from Wazzio Orthodontics

Yelp Review Badge

Showcase your dental practice’s reviews from Yelp on your dental landing page. This is a great way to show the quality of your service and the satisfaction you provide.  

Researchers studying Yelp revealed that a one-star rating increase could lead to a 5-9% boost in profit.  

Got some stellar reviews on Yelp? Make sure to show them off on your dental landing page!

Other Certifications, Accreditations, and Affiliations

Highlighting your certifications, accreditations, and affiliations with reliable third-party dental organizations is all about proving your credibility and showcasing your expertise and knowledge in your field.  

It signals people the quality of care they’ll receive, convincing them to entrust their oral health to your practice.

Here are some certifications and accreditations that can build credibility:

Trust badges feature on dental landing pages.

Photo from Apollonia Dental Long Beach

Depending on what you’re trying to promote on your dental landing page, make sure to display a relevant certification or accreditation to push potential patients to convert.  

Take Your Dental Landing Pages to The Next Level with Trust Badges!

According to the 2022 Healthcare Trends Report, more than 72% of patients read online reviews and ratings when choosing a new dentist. Convince them to choose your practice by highlighting trust badges, customer testimonials, before and after photos, qualifications, certifications, and accreditations on your dental landing pages!

At Digital Resource, our digital marketing experts and content marketing specialists will work with you to create a custom campaign and dental landing page that secures new patients and generates more appointments online!  

Want to increase patient volume in your practice and stay fully booked all year round? Contact us today to get started!

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