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Top 4 SEO in Fort Lauderdale Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Search Optimization

Search engine optimization is constantly changing.  

Over the years, we’ve seen the rise of mobile web and “zero-click” searches where Google answers questions directly without users having to click on a result.  

We’ve also seen the shift towards a more intent-focused search result where users expect search engines to do what they want and not what they type on the search bar.  

User experience also became a crucial ranking factor. If your website doesn’t load fast enough nor looks good or functions poorly on mobile, then it will never make it to the top of search results.

And, just a few months ago, Google released continuous scrolling on Google search for mobile devices. This means “page one” no longer exists.

As long as Google continues to update its algorithm to better serve its users, you need to keep up with the latest SEO trends because every update Google rolls out, or any changes in its algorithm, will create a huge impact in digital marketing.  

This will directly affect how you’re going to plan out your SEO Fort Lauderdale strategy to make sure you stay competitive.  

To help you get started, here are the top four SEO trends you should watch out for in 2022.  

Search Engine Optimization Trends to Stay Competitive

1.  Shopping Graph

picture of a man doing some online shopping through mobile

The pandemic disrupted the world in many ways, but it also fast-tracked digital transformation. Because of this, people learned to do things online, especially shopping.  

Even now that things are starting to go back to normal, more than 2.1 billion people around the world are still expected to shop online rather than in-store.  

Without a doubt, online shopping is at its all-time high. So, Google wants to make sure that it can provide the ultimate shopping experience by making it incredibly easy for users to discover, learn about, and shop for the products they love. This is how the Shopping Graph came to be.  

Shopping Graph is an AI-enhanced model that works in real-time. It is designed to analyze different types of products and brands and how they related to one another.  

It works with information, such as price, reviews, videos, SKU, and inventory data, to boost a business’ discoverability and show users the most relevant listings as they shop across Google.

So that online shoppers get a wide array of choices for the products they love - from big-box retailers to local shops - Google eliminated commission fees and made selling on the platform free to encourage more merchants on the platform.  

Google also knows that people like to take screenshots of the things they’re interested in to either take notes or serve as a reference for later when they look it up online. However, most of the time, consumers never really get to take action after.

This is why part of its update is to allow users to search using screenshots. So now, when you view a screenshot in Google Photos, you can search for the item on your screenshot through Lens and discover where you can buy the item on your screenshot.

How to Optimize Your SEO in Fort Lauderdale Strategy for Shopping Graph

The Shopping Graph aims to enhance the user experience by providing people with more choices, products that are available right now, and new ways to shop.  

To optimize your eCommerce business for this new trend, you want to create keyword-rich product listings that will enable Google to determine the relevance of your product listing to a user’s query.

Using relevant keywords throughout your page also helps your products show up for Lens searches. For example, if Google can't provide the exact match for a vintage jewelry a user is looking for, it can show them other results that use keywords that are relevant to the piece that the user is searching for.  

It’s also crucial to optimize your product photos by adding keywords into the alt tag to make sure Google can read, crawl, and index them too.  

2. Conversational Search

woman talking to a voice assistant to look stuff up online

In line with improving the user search experience, Google wants to provide people what they want fast, even if they can’t type into words what they really mean. This is why Google is looking for ways to get inside people’s minds and figure out the intent behind each search query.  

Over the years, we’ve seen a steady improvement in the search query and result processing, shifting from keyword-matching to semantic search. Today, Google penetrates deeper into how humans communicate with each other and recreate this into an intuitive search engine experience.  

In other words, Google wants searchers to feel like they’re just talking to a really smart person who knows everything.  

This is why new algorithms have been developed to improve the platform’s search query and result processing.  

  • LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications): helps with human-like speech modeling
  • MUM (Multitask Unified Model): assists in analyzing human-level queries, specifically for answering complicated queries

How to Optimize for Conversational Search

This 2022, you should optimize your SEO in Fort Lauderdale for long-tail queries and voice search.  

Long-tail queries, or searches that are new and never have been searched before, comprise 15% of searches daily. Since long-tail keywords are easier to rank for than generic terms, you want to target key phrases your ideal customers will likely use when looking for your products or services.  

Here are some tips on how to optimize for long-tail queries:

  • Use relevant images and make sure to give them a keyword-rich meaningful file name. It’s also important to include a descriptive alt-text so search engine bots can read it.  
  • Dig deeper into topics by asking how or why. Focus on a topic and try to break it down into sub-topics. Exhaust all possible sub-topics you can discuss until you run out of ideas. This increases your chances of ranking for long-tail queries.  
  • Use analytics tools to find out what searches drove a visitor to your site, and then examine and keep track of these queries regularly.  

Voice search is also on the rise. With more and more consumers buying smart speakers and using voice assistants to go about their daily lives, it’s high time that you also optimize for voice. Here’s how:

  • Optimize for verbal search and target conversational keywords. For example, instead of using “formula for toddlers”, you can optimize for “what’s the best formula milk for toddlers?”.  
  • Keep your answers short. Provide concise answers to deliver useful information quickly and ensure your search result appears on voice. With the example above, you can answer the best formula milk by writing a short blurb enumerating the top brands and then get into more detail later.  
  • Consider targeting for vernacular. If you’re a local business, use specific phrases people in your area use to describe objects or places. For instance, people who live in the state of Florida use the term "pub-sub" to describe subs from a public grocery store. Vernacular can help you optimize for more conversation keywords.  

3. EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trust)

There’s a lot of content out there that isn’t really doing what it’s supposed to. In short, there is a lot of content on the Internet that's garbage.  

Google is smarter than ever before. It does a good job at filtering useless content by generating an answer from the most trusted authority websites only. This is why "EAT" plays a vital role this 2022.  

The more valuable a topic is, such as those related to finance, medical, legal, and political, the more the EAT standard applies.  

Since Google does not have the algorithm to determine a topic's significance on the YMYL (your money or your life) scale, which stands for content that has a negative impact on the quality of people's lives or their finances, all you can do to build authority is to build quality backlinks and follow best-practices.  

How to Optimize for EAT

The first thing you have to do is to learn what Google considers a poor-quality page. You can find it in an eBook which Google published called “Google Quality Rating Guidelines”.  

Here are the things that can affect your quality ranking:

  • Low-quality content that doesn’t satisfy user intent
  • Interpretation of a topic
  • Exaggerated or misleading page title
  • Too many ads or disrupts the user experience
  • Lack of information about the author or site owner
  • Website with bad reputation based on research
  • Wrong grammar  

When creating content, you must always write with user intent in mind. Check on your grammar and punctuation, and see to it that you're writing for your human readers and not bots.  

With Google fighting "fake news" or disinformation, don’t forget to double-check your facts and add statistics to your article or any form of proof to support your claims.

4. Video Marketing

photo of a video playing on a tablet optimized for SEO in Fort Lauderdale

Here’s a fact: People are visual creatures, and we absorb information when we see them rather than read or hear about them.  

This explains why videos remain to be everybody’s most favorite type of content to consume in 2022. In fact, 66% of people turn to videos to get information, while 72% say they prefer to learn more about a product or service through video.

Users today are becoming more and more dependent on videos, whether it’s to help them make a purchase decision, relax, or learn something new. It’s because of this that Google has started to roll out new features can help users find relevant information via video.  

The new features are:

  • Clip markup: This feature lets you highlight the essence or key moments of your videos so that users can go straight to those parts. This is useful for videos that tackle tips, lists, and enumerations.  
  • Seek markup: Seek markup informs Google about how your URL structure functions. This data is crucial because it enables Google to show the key points of your video automatically and links to them.

How to Optimize for Video this 2022

Using these two new features, you can optimize your videos to appear at the top of search results for relevant queries.  

To optimize for video, here’s what you need to do:

  • Add more relevant videos to your content. People love watching videos. Studies show that 88% of visitors are more likely to stay on a page and spend more time on content if it has videos. Using them will help boost engagement, drive traffic, and increase your rankings.  
  • Use keyword-rich markups for your clip and seek markups to help you better rank in the search results.  
  • When labeling your markups, use detailed descriptions. For example, if you have a video about how to earn extra income online, don’t label your markups “tip 1”, “tip 2”, and so on. Instead, go into details like “Make money through freelance work” and “Take surveys for money”. The more specific your markups are, the greater your chances of ranking high in relevant searches, and the more you can increase engagement with your videos.  

Are You Ready to Dominate the Search Results This 2022?

If you want to stay competitive and dominate the search results this 2022, then you must stay on top of SEO trends.  

We believe that Shopping Graph, conversational search, EAT, and video marketing are some of the biggest trends that will ultimately impact digital marketing next year. So, consider optimizing your SEO strategy in Fort Lauderdale to accommodate these trends.  

At Digital Resource, our team of SEO experts can craft a custom SEO strategy that will not only put you on top of the search results, but also get you ahead of the competition. Contact us today for a free consultation!  

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