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Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Search Optimization

If you want to increase your online visibility through content, then understanding SEO copywriting is the perfect starting point.

However, writing content that’s both engaging to your readers and optimized to perform well in the search results is a challenging task. Aside from planning on how you’re going to craft your content so it brings them closer to the point of purchase, you also need to consider how to get your website in front of your target audience.  

You might be wondering, “So, what’s the formula to successful SEO copywriting?  

The answer is simple. Think about what your ideal customers want and understand how search engine technology operates throughout your writing process.

As your trusted SEO company in West Palm Beach, we are going to share with you the top copywriting best practices we follow to boost our rankings.  

What Is SEO Copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the process of creating content that not only speaks to the needs and interests of your ideal customers but is also keyword-optimized to make sure it ranks high in Google search results and drives traffic.  

SEO copywriting is crucial to the success of any website or business because it can:

  • Create trust by providing valuable, useful content.
  • Attract high-quality traffic at a very low amount.
  • Convince readers to take action.  

Proven and Tested SEO Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Creating high-quality, customer-centered content is not enough to rank high on Google search results. The best content also caters to the needs of search engine bots by helping them better understand their content and its relevance to a certain query.

Here’s how to create content that’s both loved by users and search engines alike.  

1. Start with Comprehensive Keyword Research

search bar with the word 'long tail keywords' on it

If you want your content to appear in front of your ideal customers right when they need you, then you need to perform thorough keyword research.  

By identifying which keywords or phrases your target audience uses when they're searching for your products or services online, you can incorporate them into your overall content strategy, which boosts your visibility in the search results.  

If you’re selling used cars in West Palm Beach, for example, you’ll want to determine not only the most apparent keywords like ‘second-hand cars’ or ‘used cars for sale’.

You’ll also want to find the less apparent and less competitive long-tail key phrases like ‘affordable used cars in West Palm Beach’ or ‘second-hand cars under $5000 in West Palm Beach’.  

Long-tail keywords may generate lower search traffic, but they have a reputation for being able to produce higher conversions. That’s because people who are more specific with their queries tend to be closer to making a final purchase decision.  

Here are some basics on how to conduct keyword research:

  • List the general topics that are relevant to your business. If you're in the marketing industry, for example, some broad topic ideas that are relevant to your company would be SEO, social media, and paid advertising.  
  • Identify the possible terms or phrases your target audience will likely use to search for information, products, or services, within your general topics.  
  • Once you have a list of possible keywords or search terms for every topic, it’s time to expand your list by finding other related search phrases. You can do this by searching for your key phrase on Google and scrolling to the bottom of the page. There, you’ll see a list of relevant search terms in bold.  
  • Compare the list you’ve created with your current keywords. You want your current keywords to match the exact search term your ideal customers use. They should also have a high search volume and low organic search competition.
  • Identify your rank in the SERPs for your chosen keywords. If big brand names have already taken the top spot, consider changing your strategy and determine less competitive long-tail keywords.  
  • Make sure you understand the intent behind every search query your ideal customers type on Google, so you can provide content that satisfies their needs and wants. If a prospect is looking for information but your content is a mismatch of what they need, your search result might get clicked, but they’ll leave right away. A high bounce rate can negatively affect your ranking. You need to understand the buyer intent for every keyword you use, so you can create content that aligns with what they want.  

Once you have a list of keywords, you can now incorporate them into your content naturally and boost its visibility on search.  

2. Incorporate Your Keywords Naturally

SEO copywriting is a balance between creating content that appeals to both users and search engines. To achieve this, you must incorporate your keywords into your content naturally.  

Avoid stuffing your blog posts with keywords to the point that your piece no longer makes sense or conveys little to no value to your readers. Yes, it’s absolutely possible to create a piece of content that’s both informational and optimized to rank high on the search results.  

Here are some keyword best practices to keep in mind:

  • Don’t force your keywords into your content to the point that it becomes a nuisance and negatively affects your audience’s reading experience.  
  • Avoid adding keywords as many times as you can. It’s best to scatter your keywords all through your content as naturally as possible. Your goal is to ensure that your readers can't tell that your content is optimized for SEO in West Palm Beach.  
  • Rearrange long-tail keywords so it appears natural to your readers. Don’t be afraid to add conjunctions, articles, or prepositions if necessary.  
  • Your content shouldn’t be about your keyword. You should try to communicate what you want to tell your readers and then think about how you can insert your keyword in a way that’s fitting and makes sense.  
  • Don’t be afraid to use a variation of your keyword instead of the exact term in your content, especially in your titles.  

3. Cover Content Gaps

Marketer from an SEO company in West Palm Beach working to cover content gaps for a client

If you want to rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs), bots should be able to detect that your content is relevant to the queries of your target audience. As well, you want to make sure that your content is helpful and can meet the reader’s needs.  

To do this, you need to cover all the essential topics your ideal customers expect to see on your site as well as filling any content gaps.  

Start by reading the top three highest-ranking pieces of content on your chosen topic. Analyze which angle they're approaching the topic. When making your content, you want to bring something new or give it a fresh take.  

It’s also important that you analyze what questions aren’t being answered or which topics aren’t being covered with the proper level of depth.  

This helps you come up with high-quality topics, which allow you to stand out from your competitors and appeal to search engines.  

4. Make Your Content Easy to Digest

Nobody likes to read a blog post that looks like a research paper – long paragraphs, all words, and highly technical terms. In fact, most people just skim through content.

If something catches their attention, they'll pause and read. Otherwise, they won't bother spending time reading a piece of content word for word.  

In a world of information overload, you want to make it easier for readers to digest and absorb the information you’re feeding them.

You want to be able to solve their problems quickly and provide the specific data they want to know right away.  

You can do this by formatting your content in a way that’s easy to read and engaging. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Writing experts recommend that you only write paragraphs of no more than 150 words in three to eight sentences.  
  • Break up your content with images, videos, infographics, or GIFS. They help make your piece more engaging, allowing you to demonstrate an idea or point without any words.
  • Read your content with fresh eyes. You want your piece to make sense and be pleasurable to read.  
  • Use bullets and numbers to enumerate, organize your text, or show a sequential process.  
  • Utilize white space wisely. You want to use it to organize your content and help your readers focus.  

5. Format Your Content for Featured Snippets

hand tapping on virtual search bar

Featured snippets, also known as position zero, provide immediate answers to queries. They are located at the top of search results, right below the paid ads slot but above the organic first-place result in the SERPs.  

You want to format your content for featured snippets because this increases your chances of getting featured on SERPs.  

There are different kinds of featured snippets like the paragraph featured snippet, numbered list featured snippet, and bulleted list featured snippet.  

To identify which type of featured snippet you should format your content after, you need to go to Google and figure out the results that appear on the featured snippet box for the topic you want to rank for.

For example, if you own a pastry shop and you have a website that shares baked recipes, then you'll want to search the web and find out what the featured snippet results are for your chosen topic.

If Google shows you a numbered list on how to bake an apple pie, then you want to format your content in the same way.  

The goal is to concisely answer the queries of your target audience and take into consideration the intent behind those questions. As much as possible, incorporate your keyword naturally in the first 100 words of your content.  

6. End with a Compelling Call to Action

The goal of every piece of content, aside from strengthening a website’s SEO ranking in West Palm Beach, is to convince users to take action and convert. That's why it's important always to end your content with a bang through compelling calls to action (CTA).  

So, what makes a CTA compelling? First, it needs to be specific to the buyer persona you're trying to appeal to. Second, it needs to be appropriate to the stage your prospect is located at in the buyer’s journey.  

For example, if your target audience is at the awareness stage and you're just beginning to appeal to them, then your content should be focused on informing them and providing them with the data they need.

Your CTA should also match this. This means that since you're still beginning to build rapport, you don't want your CTA to push them to buy your products right away.

Instead, try directing them to learn more specific details about what your company has to offer or another blog post they may find useful.  

Do You Want Your Content to be Both User-Friendly and Search Engine-Friendly?

Striking a balance between creating content that provides value to its readers and at the same time ranks well on the search results is something you can definitely do with the help of the tips we shared above.  

If you feel like you need help crafting expert-written content that’s optimized for SEO in West Palm Beach, we can help!

At Digital Resource, our team of content marketing specialists and SEO experts will partner with you to create compelling content that will not only convince your readers to convert but also put you on top of Google.  

Contact us today to know more about SEO copywriting and how it can help your business achieve success online!

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