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7 Biggest Video Marketing Mistakes You Should Stay Away From (+ Solutions)

Content Marketing

The verdict is in: Video is on the rise.  

78% of people watch videos online each week, with 55% of them watching daily. In another study, 69% prefer to learn about a new product or service through a short video, and of the group, 84% ended up buying what was advertised.  

No wonder 94% of marketers consider video a vital part of their marketing strategy. From driving traffic to their website and generating leads to gaining brand awareness and increasing sales, videos are working miracles for businesses of all sizes.

However, coming up with a compelling video that would keep your viewers glued to your product has its challenges. Especially if you’re just in the early stages of video marketing, you’ll likely be making mistakes that will bring you poor and less desirable results.  

Don’t fret just yet. Your number one digital marketing agency Miami is here to save the day. We’ll make sure your videos won’t end up a catastrophe by helping you get on the right foot with your video marketing strategy.

With that in mind, here are seven of the biggest video marketing mistakes you should stay away from, and how you can fix each one of them:

7 Biggest Video Marketing Mistakes You Should Stay Away From (+ Solutions)

Mistake #1: Not Having a Clear Strategy

digital marketing agency Miami video marketing strategy

We're pretty sure you've heard of the adage, "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail." And, we gotta say, this is especially true for video.  

Producing a video without really knowing what your objectives are will set you up for failure. Always have a plan in mind before you start shooting. Ask yourself these questions:  

  • Why are you creating this video?
  • What is your main goal?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What is your budget?
  • Where are you going to post it?
  • What tools will you use to measure video success?

Not having the answers to these questions can lead to a time-consuming and costly production of a video that won’t even resonate with your intended viewers.  

Also, see to it that you monitor your video analytics to make necessary adjustments for your paid ads and future projects. Pay attention to view count, playback time, and the number of clicks on your call-to-action.  

Mistake #2: Making Your Video Too Long

Would you believe that the average human attention span is now shorter than that of a goldfish? In fact, it has fallen from 12 seconds to eight seconds today!

That explains why 20% of people leave a video within the first 10 seconds if they don't find it engaging. Plus, there are just too many distractions online. That's why producing super long videos is always a recipe for disaster.  

Keeping your videos short, sweet, and straightforward is the secret to success here. An ideal length is between 60 and 90 seconds. Videos that go beyond three minutes will only do you more harm than good.  

As a Miami digital marketing agency that provides video marketing services, we recommend you cut any irrelevant content that may make your videos long. Just focus on the key points that matter most to your target audience.

Mistake #3: Branding the Wrong Way

Branding not only helps spread the word about your business but also boosts customer trust and loyalty. That is if you're doing it right.

Many marketers often get so caught up in making a video that they tend to forget its actual purpose, which is to promote their businesses. If your viewers are unable to recall your name, logo, or tagline after a few seconds into your video, you should do something about your branding.

To make your brand stick in the minds of your audience, always add your company logo, tagline, and website to your videos, preferably at the beginning. Consider using the same tone, fonts, and color schemes for consistency. That way, people will have no trouble remembering you.  

Mistake #4: Poor or Ineffective Call-to-Action

unhappy customer confused about website call to action

Leaving your viewers questioning what happens next after they finish your video means you need to work on your call-to-action.  

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are closing statements that guide your audience on what action they should take once they're done watching. They play a major role in securing leads, clicks, and sales.  

Vague CTAs such as “head over to our website,” “call us today,” or “download our free app” may not be enough to get your viewers clicking. Instead, to get the desired effect, you gotta be more specific and evoke an emotional response by opting for a longer CTA. Here are some examples:

  • Include adjectives: “Book your dream vacation with us!”
  • Include numbers: “Buy now to get a 50% off!”
  • Make your audience feel special: “Be one of the first to try our newest product!”
  • Make a promise: “Get that dream body of yours in less than 10 weeks!”
  • Leverage FOMO: “Stocks are running out. Get your free shirt ASAP!”

Mistake #5: Focusing on the Product More Than Your Audience

As much as you might be tempted to talk about all the wonderful details regarding your product, your video should focus on the value your viewers can get from it. In other words, highlight their perks.  

To determine how your audience will benefit from your product, the first step is to find your buyer persona. What are their commonly asked questions? What solutions would they want you to provide?  

Research your target market. Know their demographic profile and pain points. Figure out the best ways to reel them in. Your goal is to draw attention to the product while attending to their needs and concerns at the same time.  

Mistake #6: Failing to Use SEO

As with any other content type, videos should be optimized for more traffic and better viewership. Posting them on YouTube just won’t cut it anymore. You’ll need a solid video SEO strategy.

Title your video with keywords related to the content, and take time to fill out your video description. Add keyword tags with industry and brand terms. And, don’t forget to include links to your website.  

If you think video SEO is too much for you to handle, your best bet is to team up with a digital marketing agency in Miami. That said, we'll be here if you need us!

Mistake #7:  Incorrect Placement of Selling Points

incorrect placement of selling points leaves user frustrated

Positioning your key selling points in all the wrong places is the final video marketing mistake you should avoid.  

Again, not everyone has the patience to watch an entire video. If you communicate your benefits and CTA during the middle or final part, there’s a huge chance that you’ll miss out on a lot of leads.  

Apply the journalistic approach by placing the juiciest information at the start. Since most impatient viewers will skip the video within 30 seconds, the first 10-20 seconds should have all the important stuff.  

A Digital Marketing Agency in Miami That Totally Gets You!

What if we told you that video marketing is just one of the many services we specialize in? Search engine optimization, web design and development, social media marketing, Google Ads - you name it, we provide it!

At Digital Resource, your success is our success. Whether you need help putting your startup on the map, you’re building a company website with zero know-how, or you’re failing to generate leads despite implementing SEO, we are here for you.

Schedule a consultation with us today to learn how we can give your business a major boost.  

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