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Valentine’s Day Social Campaigns Your Customers Will Love

Social Media Marketing

They say that you can't put a price on love. That's why when it comes to celebrating Valentine's, many people like to go big and spend a lot of money just to spoil their loved ones - or in the case of single folks, themselves.

According to Statista, Americans spend an average of $71 on Valentine's gifts and are expected to reach a whopping 18.2 billion dollars in total.  

For marketers and business owners, Valentine’s Day is not only an annual celebration of love, but also of commercialism. It's the perfect holiday to whip up something new to delight customers and get them buying during the love-filled season.  

And, what better way to excite consumers and get them to purchase gifts than to hype up about Valentine's on social media?  

From running contests to creating interactive experiences and formulating special product bundles, having a social media campaign for Valentine’s Day in place is the best way to spark customer engagement and increase revenue.  

As your go-to SEO company in West Palm Beach, we are going to share with you some of our top Valentine’s Day social media campaigns.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Valentine’s Day Social Campaign Ideas to Get Your Customers Excited

Create a Gift Guide to Promote Your Best Selling Products

woman holding gift box with heart

A lot of people are looking for something new or unique to give their loved ones, while others have no idea what to get at all.  

To make your customers' lives easier, help them decide what to buy by making a gift guide, featuring your best-selling products.  

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be all about chocolates, bears, and flowers. Just because your business sells something that isn't typically related to hearts and love doesn't mean that it won’t make a perfect gift for someone.  

Make sure that you establish relevance and create an appropriate context around your products to give your customers an idea of why it makes a great gift for this holiday.  

For example, if you’re selling women’s clothes, you can create a multiple-image post of black, sexy dresses that will make excellent Valentine’s Day date night outfits. Or, if you're selling tools, consider offering a product bundle of tool-box essentials with free gift wrapping to give the ladies an idea of what to get their partners.  

Another thing to keep in mind is that consumers are no longer buying gifts exclusively for their romantic partners. Their family, friends, colleagues, and even pets, are now part of their celebration.

So, don’t feel stuck coming up with something romantic when creating a gift guide. You can so whip up a platonic gift guide on Valentine’s Day and cater to over half of the American adults who identify themselves as single.  

Collaborate with Another Brand

Brand collaborations are incredibly hot right now. From fast fashion brands (Forever 21x Cheetos) to luxury brands (Louis Vuitton x Supreme) and fast food chains (McDonald’s x Burger King), everyone seems to be doing it!

This Valentine’s Day, you should totally consider teaming up with another brand to build a stronger marketing campaign, double your exposure, and extend your reach.  

Here are some tips on how to co-market successfully:

  • Find the right brand to partner with. When looking for a business to collaborate with, think of another company that offers products or services that complement your brand. For instance, if you sell pastries, it would be smart to work alongside a local coffee shop.  
  • Send the same messages. When collaborating, both of you must send the same message. Create a guideline stating what your values and mutual intent are. Then, decide on a tone and voice so that the way both of you communicate to your audience for your collab is consistent.  
  • Create a mutual visual guideline. Humans are very visual beings. To make your collaboration official, you want to create visual content that represents both your brand merging and is in line with Valentine's Day theme. Use it as your cover photo or as exclusive product packaging to let people know about your partnership.  
  • Settle on incentives that both of you can bring to the table. Both of you should agree to offer discounts or group together best-selling products to create a bundle, particularly something that will get both your customers excited.  

Make a Valentine’s Day Series of Short-Form Videos

Short-form videos are all over social media right now, so take advantage of them this Valentine’s by making a series of Reels or TikTok videos dedicated to this occasion. You can post videos about love advice, gift ideas, common Valentine’s Day myths, or whatever else you can think of that’s related to Heart’s Day.  

Not only will you be engaging your audience, but you’ll also keep your brand at the top of your customers’ minds.

For example, if you own a wine company, you can create a video series on how to pick the right wine for your Valentine's day dinner. In one video, feature a wine that would taste good with steak. On another, promote the right wine for dessert, or charcuterie. You can even ask your followers to drop a suggestion in the comment section.  

Launch a Love Story Video Contest

photo of puppy beside a heart

Contests are a great way to generate information about your customers, expand your reach, boost brand awareness, and increase your following.  

As the leading SEO company in West Palm Beach, we suggest that you run a contest on social media where your customers get to share their love stories in exchange for a prize.  

What’s great about this is that they could do a comical take, a touching story, or something unusual and surprising. Depending on what participants submit, this can make your audience laugh, cry, surprise, and stir all kinds of emotions.  

The point is that you don’t have to make Valentine’s Day all about you and your products. Put the spotlight on your customers through this campaign! This is a great way to connect with your audience and establish a deeper relationship with them.  

Create a Valentine’s Day Social Campaign Hashtag

Your social media marketing campaign will not be complete without an official Valentine’s Day hashtag.  

Hashtags are a great way to boost the visibility of your campaigns and increase brand awareness. They also help you reach new audiences and allow users to find information about your campaigns easily.  

Think about hashtags as a ‘word-of-mouth’ method – they help spread your promotions.  

What’s more, hashtags help you connect with your followers and your followers with each other. They enable you to build a community around your brand and foster loyalty.  

Finding the right hashtags for your campaign can be challenging. Fortunately, you can use analytics to discover the top hashtags you should be using this Valentine’s Day.  

It's also important to create your own branded hashtag to keep track of the conversations that are happening around your brand.  

Build Hype Around Valentine’s Day

SEO company in West Palm Beach making social media marketing campaign for valentine's day

Two weeks before Valentine’s Day, make sure you already have your social media content in place.  

Three days or a week leading up to heart’s day, you should already start building hype by posting almost every day.  

Here are several things you can do to promote your Valentine’s Day campaign and generate buzz around it on social media:

  • Give people a sneak peek of any marketing gimmick you've prepared for that day in your IG or FB stories. Show them a behind-the-scenes type of content to build anticipation.  
  • Offer people a holiday-exclusive BOGO product bundle to get people buying. Saying something like “One for you and one for your loved one too” can motivate them to make a purchase.
  • Give out early-bird discounts to get sales right away. With the right deal, you can drive shoppers to your website.  
  • Pay to get your Valentine’s Day marketing campaigns in front of the right social media users. With Facebook and Instagram both pay-to-play platform, you can't just rely on organic reach alone. You need to rely on advertising as well.

The goal is to get your followers excited and in the mood to shop, whether they're buying a gift for their friends, family, pets, self, or their special someone.  

Are You Ready to Make the Most Out of Valentine 2022?

Valentine’s Day presents a wonderful opportunity to engage and provide a one-of-a-kind experience to your customers. With the right tactics and proper execution, you can definitely delight consumers and get them in the mood to buy.  

See to it that you’re prepared to meet their expectations by having a social media marketing strategy in place. Use the ideas we shared with you above to help you properly plan for the upcoming holiday!

Digital Resource is an SEO company in West Palm Beach. We specialize in everything digital – from digital marketing and on-page optimization to social media and paid advertising.  

If you want to get more sales and increase your revenue this Valentine’s Day and beyond, we’re the digital marketing agency you’re looking for!  

Contact us today for a free consultation!  

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