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Signs Your Digital Marketing Strategy Is Working

Business Development

After months of mapping out a digital marketing plan, implementing each and every one of the strategies to perfection (not to mention, dealing with some challenges that could be enough to make you lose some sleep along the way), you’ve finally made it.  

You just launched your online campaign and executed it exactly the way you wanted to.  

Now, you’re probably wondering what happens next. Will your digital marketing strategy really generate the results you have in mind?

You see, when it comes to marketing, the biggest question everyone has is this: “How do I know if my strategy actually works?” After all, every second and penny spent on your campaign needs to be accounted for and put towards achieving measurable results that help propel the growth of your business.  

There are several ways to tell whether your marketing efforts are indeed paying off. And, luckily for you, Digital Resource is here to fill you in.  

So, what telltale signs indicate that your digital marketing strategy is working? What metrics should you be keeping an eye on? Let’s explore all of them below!

Sign #1: Your Organic Traffic Keeps Growing

web traffic chart going up

An increase in website traffic is always a good sign. It’s basically telling you that more and more people are coming to your site, which also means that your online visibility has improved. These people are usually the ones who are likely interested in what you have to offer, considering that they’re using keywords relevant to your business or industry to search.  

Sign #2: You’re Driving More Conversions

Since an increase in organic traffic means attracting qualified leads (aka your target audience), there’s a huge chance that you’ll see a rise in your conversion rate. The more your content resonates with them, the more you can push them to take your desired action – whether it’s by making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, or booking an appointment.  

Sign #3: Your Website Ranks High in the Search Results

There are countless keywords your website can rank for, and tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics can tell you where you’re currently ranking. If your website has terms on the first page, then congratulations, your business is well on its way to online success – and you can thank SEO for that.

Sign #4: You’re Gaining More Followers

Another sign that your online efforts are keeping you on the right track is a growing social media follower list. More people following you on your social channels – be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or wherever else you’re on – is a good indicator that your marketing campaigns are resonating with people and driving more attention to your brand.

It’s important to remember, though, that the number of followers alone isn’t a definitive sign of success.  Sure, it may suggest that users notice you and may be eager to learn more about your offerings, but you want to look beyond the digits. You want to pay attention to how and how often they interact with your content, which brings us to the next sign…

Sign #5: You’re Getting More Engagement

man checking phone with notification icons

What’s better than getting more potential customers to follow you on social media or driving them to your website? Getting them to constantly interact with your content!  

Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares can be even better indicators of how successful your campaign is. They serve as proof that your content resonates with your ideal audience, thus giving you the reassurance that they’ll come back for more.  

Sign #6: You Have a Low Bounce Rate

Having a low bounce rate suggests that your visitors are staying on your website for longer periods of time, exploring other pages as they’re interested to find out more about your business. In other words, your site is keeping them invested, which again, can eventually lead to more conversions and sales.  

Whether they enjoy reading your blog posts, or they’re fascinated by your site’s clean aesthetics and seamless navigation, one thing’s for sure: your digital marketing strategy is doing a wonderful job in keeping your business growing!

Sign #7: You’re Maximizing Your ROI

You know you’re doing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising right when you’re seeing a higher return on investment. This means that you’re targeting the right audience with the right content. You can definitely say that the money you’re putting into online marketing is giving you back more than what it cost you.  

By monitoring these key indicators every once in a while, you can gain a better understanding of how effective your digital marketing strategies are. Pay attention to these signs and use them to make adjustments in order to get the best results possible. With the right approach, you’ll be able to maximize the success of your campaigns and reach even more potential customers.

Not Impressed with the Results You’re Seeing?

hand holding we can help you post it note

So, after using tools like Google Analytics, you’ve come to conclude that your digital marketing strategy isn’t really helping a lot when it comes to hitting your goals. Perhaps you’re not ranking high, or maybe you’re seeing little to no progress in terms of social media engagement. Whatever the outcome is that you’re looking at, you can’t help but feel extremely disappointed.  

Don’t throw in the towel just yet. You can always tweak and correct those mistakes. Better yet, hire an experienced full-service internet marketing agency like us to do it for you.  

Our specialists here at Digital Resource consistently deliver outstanding results for our clients. From getting your website to rank on Google’s first page and helping you dominate social media to building a responsive site that converts and improving your online reputation, we’re here to guide you in your journey to online success.  

Oh, and we’ll also be the ones to monitor your marketing campaigns to determine what’s working and what should be corrected or enhanced. Don’t worry, you can leave all the calibrating to us, too!

If you’re ready to start in the soonest possible way, book a free consultation with us now! We look forward to turning you into our next success story!

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