Home Builder SEO

Get Found Online First

digital marketing concept

Did you know that 90% of buyers turn to the internet for all their home building needs? Can you imagine how many potential customers that percentage translates to?

There could be millions who are searching for your products and services on the web right now!

From learning how to get a mortgage and discovering new house designs to finding home builders nearby, everything today starts with a single search.

As a smart home builder, you want to take advantage of the internet and use home builder SEO to effectively promote your business to the right people.  

With the help of our SEO experts here at Digital Resource, we can get your home builder website to rank on the first page of search results so your ideal customers can find you first, which means more projects for you.  

As your go-to SEO company, we’d love nothing more than to help you get new customers online and put you ahead of the competition. You can count on us to craft a custom home builder SEO strategy that best suits your needs and business goals.

What We Offer

Digital Resource offers a number of award-winning search engine optimization services that will put you on the map.

  • Custom-selected home builder-related keywords based on search data and trends
  • On-page optimizations to improve the visibility of your website pages
  • Off-page optimizations such as link building, social media marketing, and reputation building
  • Analytics tracking to assess the long-term success of campaigns

Why Is Home Builder SEO Important for Your Business?

So, why should search engine optimization be a top priority in your digital marketing efforts? How can SEO for home builders help you thrive in your industry and stay ahead of the curve? Find out below!

Brings a Steady Stream of Customers

Home builders know how crucial it is to have a constant influx of new customer - it’s pretty much the best way to make their business grow.  

Unlike other types of businesses, like retail, for example, you can’t rely on repeat customers alone. You need new faces to keep your homebuilding company alive.

If we’re being realistic here, how many clients will ask you to build another house once you’ve completed building them a new one? Hardly anybody. Remember, you’ve got bills to pay, employees to take care of, and dreams to realize!

That’s why aside from asking for referrals, it’s also a must to invest in home builder SEO for your business to perform well in this digital era.  

Helps Beat the Competition

Let's face it - no matter which industry you're in, there will always be competition waiting for you. There's not a doubt that other home builders in your area are also vying for the attention of your target audience.

That's another reason why you need a solid home builder SEO strategy in place.

You wouldn’t let them get your customers, would you?

With the help of our SEO experts, you'll have your website appearing on the first page of Google and other search engines. That way, whenever potential customers in your area are looking for home building products and services on the web, they’ll know it’s YOU they should reach out to - not your competitors.

Improves Brand Awareness

By simply showing up on the front page of search results, you get to generate many touchpoints.

Even if potential clients won't click into your website right away, they'll start to associate your name with whatever information they were looking for.

As with everyone else, you want to be top of mind when interested home buyers type questions that are related to your services. SEO for home builders is there to make it happen.

Saves You Money

Perhaps one of the best things about investing in a home builder SEO campaign is that it's relatively more affordable to implement compared to other marketing strategies.

While it's best to hire an digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, it's still a good idea to learn and implement some of the basics yourself. Plus, outside of the cost of hiring an SEO team or purchasing a couple of subscriptions, you won't be spending a single dime for the actual implementation.

What's more, investing in SEO can be a long-term benefit to your local business. The primary strategies and processes involved with SEO not only stand for years, but they often require minor tweaks as well.

SEO for home builders can be one of the best long-standing online marketing solutions for your business that offers a continuous ROI.

The bottom line is, investing in search engine optimization means investing in the future success of your business. By choosing an experienced and dedicated agency like us, you can expect to see results in a matter of months!

An SEO Company That Totally Understands You & Your Needs

Digital Resource is not your typical SEO company - we’re committed to helping our clients achieve long-term success in their respective industries.

We take our time in studying each of our client’s businesses, the industry they’re in, their competitors, and the goals they want to achieve with us, so we can better understand what’s best for them and provide a custom data-driven solution that is meant to deliver outstanding results.  

Our SEO specialists never disappoint. By combining innovative ideas with their expertise in search technologies, they can help you achieve lasting success online.  

One thing you should know about us is that we’re an award-winning company that provides award-winning services.  

In fact, we were ranked on Inc. Magazine’s Inc. 5000 list for the fourth time in a row and bagged the title Best SEO Company by the Best of Small Business Awards! And, these are just some of the many accolades we were awarded through the years.

We Provide the Best Solutions for Your SEO Needs

Whether you just started a home construction company and are having difficulty getting found online, you’re no longer getting the same leads as you used to on your website, or you simply want to get new customers, you can count on us!

Here are the services we offer that will surely increase your search rankings and online reputation:

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of improving your website and optimizing its pages for specific keywords to increase its visibility and traffic online.

Our experts eat on-page SEO for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you can rest easy knowing that you’re working with an experienced and dedicated digital marketing agency.  

Keyword Research

Keyword research provides insight into the different search terms your ideal customers use when searching for your products and services online, how often they use them, and how these searches evolve.

This process is important because it allows us to better understand the intent behind every search, which we can use to come up with the best keywords to incorporate into your content to target the right customers.  

We conduct in-depth analysis, study your competitors, and use the best tools to make sure we can find relevant home builder SEO search terms for your home construction business.  

Responsive Web Design & Development

A responsive website scales your content depending on the type of device your web visitors are using to view your site. It’s fully functional, easy to use, and optimized, which elevates user experiences, increases satisfaction, and boosts your online visibility big time!

The happier and more satisfied a user is with your website the more they’re likely to convert into a lead. Our web designs and developers can help you make a great first impression with your target audience and convert them into leads.  

URL Structure & Meta Descriptions

Because we’re serious about putting you on top of Google search results, we will make sure to optimize your website down to the tiniest of details, including your URL structure and meta descriptions.

Our SEO experts will create an organized URL structure and meta descriptions that are simple to read and easy to understand by both human users and bots, and will surely land you on page one.  

Website Speed

Nobody will wait for your website to load. If it takes longer than three seconds to work, chances are, they’ll bounce before you know it.

You know what that means for your ranking? It will send you plummeting to who-knows-what page of the search results!

If you want to keep your rankings high and your visitors coming back, you need to have a faster loading speed, and you can count on us to make that happen.  

Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO is just one part of the equation for success. If you want to truly thrive online, you also need to work on your off-page SEO. This is also another of our strongest suits. With the right off-page submission tactics, we can help establish you as an authority in your industry and build your brand credibility.  

Link Building

Link building serves as a vote of confidence, telling search engine bots that you’re worthy of citation and that you’re a reliable source of information. In other words, the more authority websites link to you, the better you’ll rank, the more traffic you can drive to your site, and the better your reputation.

With us by your side, you can expect to get expertly written blogs with internal links that will keep web visitors navigating through your site, and authoritative sites linking back to your pages.  

Social Media Marketing

Social media is an essential part of every business’s digital marketing tactics. Not only is it great for boosting your SEO ranking, but it’s also excellent for increasing brand awareness, improving audience engagements, and getting more leads.

Our social media marketing specialists can customize a social media plan that’s mean to show the social, friendlier, and human side of your business.  

Local SEO

The customers you really want to attract are those who live in your service areas, which is why local home builder SEO is so important. By localizing your keywords, optimizing your Google My Business, and creating local content, we can help grow your local following and bring your construction company to the forefront of your area in a matter of months!

Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level with Home Builder SEO?

home contractors making a deal

Small business owners are some of the busiest and most hard-working people on earth, so we know that you want a reliable SEO agency that can deliver outstanding results.

At Digital Resource, we know better than to waste your precious time and resources. You can trust us to be your partner in helping you achieve long-term business goals through effective home builder SEO.  

We are your digital marketing dream team, or shall we say, DReam Team! Our internet marketing specialists and experts will turn your home builder business into a success, just like what they have for our previous and existing clients.

Contact us today to get started!