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How Can Employer Branding Grow Your Landscaping Company?

Brand Development

Every landscaping company has its own reputation, which consists of thoughts people have about your services, leaders, team members, and even your company's history.  

This reputation is called your employer brand. It can be a strong, mysterious, and synergistic force that is more than just what you sell.

Like any other kind of branding, building a strong employer brand is all about telling good stories. It's about how you want your business to be seen in the market and how you can attract the right customers with specific messages.

The good news is that landscaping companies can improve their employer branding strategies by making small, manageable changes. This will help you find, hire, and keep the best employees.

Below are a few questions, answers, and tips from our experts regarding employer branding and how it can improve SEO for landscaping companies.

What Is An Employer Brand?

Like a company's brand, an employer brand is how the market sees your landscaping company as an employer. An employer brand shows what you promise employees in exchange for their experience, talents, contacts, or skills.

In a nutshell, employer branding is how you market your landscaping company to potential employees. This can be done by highlighting your organization's unique cultural differences, and then working to amplify them to position yourself as a top place to work.

If you do employer branding right, it will get people talking about your landscaping company and bring in motivated job seekers and many happy employees. Then, those people will tell other open talent, clients, customers, and stakeholders about their excellent experience, which will help you grow.

What Does A Strong Employer Brand Mean?

First of all, companies with good employer brands (i.e., a good reputation as an employer in the market) can get up to twice as many applications as companies with bad employer brands (i.e., a negative reputation for being not-so-great to their employees).

Some big landscaping companies with HR managers even have trouble finding the right people to hire because of skills gaps and other problems. This makes a big difference in how efficient a talent manager or recruiter can be.

"What's your ideal company?"

According to a poll by Corporate Responsibility Magazine, up to 69% of job seekers, even if unemployed, would turn down a job offer from a company with a bad reputation.

All of this adds up to the fact that companies with no employer brand are likely to spend 10% more per employee hired. That means working much harder and for a much longer time just to get good employees in the door.

In other words, if your employer brand is strong, it is easier for recruiters to introduce your company to top talent and get them to the offer stage. Your company attracts talented people, and your reputation goes through the roof.

How Can You Solidify Your Employer Brand?

Your leadership, marketing team, and recruiters can help develop and grow your employer brand. This will increase the number of qualified, enthusiastic people who want to work at your landscaping company.

Whether you run a big or small business, there are many things you can do to build strong relationships with your employees and improve your employer brand.

1. Optimize Your Employer Branding Channels

Most landscaping companies use a variety of channels to promote their employer brand and reach their candidate personas.

According to LinkedIn, the top three channels through which organizations intend to extend their employer brand are company websites, online professional networks, and social media.

Because of this, companies need to define and improve the employer branding channels their candidate personas use to learn about potential employers.

Here's an example of a well-optimized LinkedIn company page:

Hermes Landscaping LinkedIn page
Photo from LinkedIn
RELATED: Optimizing Your Channel Strategy

2. Start A Landscaping Blog

If you're a recruiter who thinks like a marketer, you know that having a lot of content is a great way to compete in a crowded market.

People looking for jobs in the landscaping industry often check out a company's blog to learn more about it.

You can use a friendly tone to share company news, updates about the company's culture, and showcase articles written by your employees or managers.

You can also use your landscaping blog to show off the unique policies, processes, and programs your company has for its employees. This will show how much your company cares about their well-being.

RELATED: Start a Blog For Your Landscaping Business in 8 Easy Steps

3. Use Visually Appealing Media

Visuals have evolved into a vital component of employer branding. They can capture people's attention, convey complex messages, and defy language barriers more quickly and effectively than words.

Simply put, if you want people to read your content, you must include compelling visuals with it.

Here are some content ideas for incorporating visuals into your employer branding strategies:

  • Use high-quality videos, images, and slideshows to tell the story of your landscaping company.
  • Show off the diversity of your company's workforce.
  • Display the beautiful spaces in which your potential employees could work.
  • Create a welcome video that includes interviews with your CEO, hiring manager, or employees about what it's like to work for your company.
RELATED: 6 Most Effective Types of Visual Content

These and other marketing costs can also be planned for and budgeted at the start of each quarter.

4. Recruit For Diversity

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the people you hire say something about your brand. 

Remember how we said you could add visually appealing content by displaying the diversity of your company's workforce? This is where you start.

Having people with different backgrounds and ways of thinking shows that you are an equal opportunity employer. It also helps your brand reach new groups of customers and employees.

Think of it as a smart business move and a meaningful way to build a good employer brand.

5. Focus On Employer Value Proposition

An Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is your company's main benefit, which makes up your employer brand as a whole. Think of it as a contract between a potential employer and employee. What can your landscaping company and culture offer in exchange for their talents, skills, and experience?

If you want to attract younger applicants, your EVP should focus on how a role will be more meaningful or give a better work experience rather than how much money it will pay.

Most prospects will be interested in working for your landscaping company if you offer competitive pay. But knowing that they can advance in their careers and work in a pleasant environment will entice them to stay.

So, make sure that your EVP statements are clear, engaging, and focused on the deeper reasons why someone might want to join your team.

Putting Our Employer Branding Strategies Into Practice

Because employer branding is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, you need to figure out the best ways for your team to show its personality.

No matter which way you go, make sure your strategy shows off the things that make your company unique while making information easy-to-understand and engaging.

If you want to put our employer branding strategies into practice but don't know how, our SEO for landscaping companies experts can help!

At Digital Resource, we can assist your landscaping business in growing by providing employer branding and digital marketing strategies.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

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